Component 7 includes members who work in colleges and institutes as instructors and support staff, in private environmental testing laboratories, legal services, and other related fields.

Employers include community colleges, the B.C. Institute of Technology, the Justice Institute of B.C., private labs, BC NDP Caucus and Constituency Offices, legal services to the public and many more.


September 12, 2016

BC Makes Little Progress on Public Service Diversity Gap

Visible minorities and Indigenous people are still dramatically underrepresented in the B.C. public service, according to the province’s latest report on workforce diversity. Read more...

September 09, 2016

Enhanced Steward Training– Wednesday, September 28, 2016

You are invited to register for Enhanced Steward Training.  The details are as follows:                         DATE: Wednesday September 28, 2016                         TIME: 9:00 am – 4:30 pm                         PLACE: BCGEU Castlegar Office – 2316 Columbia Avenue If you are interested in attending, please complete the attached registration form and forward to the Union office by fax...

September 09, 2016

BC Federation of Labour Women's Health & Safety in the Workplace Course

To:       To all Occupational Health and Safety Committee Representatives in Area 03                and Local Chairs Re:       BC Federation of Labour Women's Health & Safety in the Workplace   The “Women’s Health and Safety in the Workplace” course will be offered at the Lower Mainland area office at Suite #130 - 2920 Virtual Way, Vancouver on Wednesday October 19, 2016 from 9:00 am to 4...

September 04, 2016

Celebrating Labour Day 2016

As long, sunny days shorten and cooler weather begins , Labour Day offers us time to reflect on the summer that is drawing to a close. For those of us in the labour movement it’s also a time to reflect on the state of working people in our union community. Looking back on the last year, it’s amazing to see the progress BCGEU members have made since last year’s celebrations.  We’ve grown tre...

August 31, 2016

Local 705 - Nominations for Local Executive

Nominations are now open for following positions on the Local Executive: Recording Secretary Member-at-Large - may be a Young Worker Representative (29 years' old and under) The term is for the remainder of a three-year term (ending early 2018). Information on the responsibilities and activities of each office is available from your Area Office. The deadline for nominations is: SEPTEMBER...

August 30, 2016

NEC Native Education College Bargaining Meeting and Update

To:         All BCGEU Members at NEC Native Education College Re:         Bargaining Update and Meeting   On May 3, 2016, your Bargaining Committee began negotiations with Native Education College to renew your collective agreement. Bargaining continued on May 9, 12, 17, 24 and June 13. We have been able to agree on a number of non-monetary proposals. However, we have made little progress o...