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Component 10 primarily includes members who work for private corporations, contracted by the government to maintain provincial highways and bridges. The component also includes members employed by the Canada Line, small private ferries, some municipal governments and other private companies connected with technical services.


July 19, 2016

Local 1012 Members from Dease Lake, Bob Quinn Lake, Telegraph Creek, Tatogga ...

Hello Brothers and Sisters,  Your Component Vice President, Rory Smith, Treasurer, John Cantlon, Component Member-at-Large, Dave Maki and Local Chairperson, Earl Haward, will be conducting worksite visits August 8-11th .  Please see list below for dates in your area.   •    August 8th - Bob Quinn Lake   •    August 9th -  Dease Lake and Telegraph Creek   •    August 10th - Tatogga Lake  • ...

July 18, 2016

Yellowhead Road & Bridge (Fort George) Ltd Members - Elections for Worksite S...

The BCGEU is holding elections for the position of a Worksite Steward for the Yellowhead Road & Bridge (Fort George Ltd) worksites. Candidates are as follows: Worksite Steward: Curtis Biech Shane Hemming   When filling out your ballot, please mark only one name! Ballots are being mailed out to your home address with a postage paid return envelope.   You may also vote at the Are...

July 08, 2016

Region 4 Women's Conference

                                                                Register now for the BCGEU Region 4 Women’s Conference, September 23-24, 2016 in Prince George. The Conference is open to all BCGEU women in Areas 06, 10, 11 & 12. The Conference commences on Friday evening at 7:00 pm at the Ramada Hotel, 444 George St., Prince George with a panel session which will include a dynamic group of...