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Component 10 primarily includes members who work for private corporations, contracted by the government to maintain provincial highways and bridges. The component also includes members employed by the Canada Line, small private ferries, some municipal governments and other private companies connected with technical services.


July 05, 2016

The BCGEU stands with Canada Post workers

Canada Post’s announcement that they will lock out Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) members as soon as Friday is an attack on collective bargaining, its workers and its customers. Canada Post is refusing to do the work of collective bargaining with CUPW by demanding massive rollbacks on the union’s hard fought gains. Those rollbacks include moving all new hires from a defined benefit...

July 02, 2016

Stone generous with speed-limit data

Things are going to be a lot different around here when Todd Stone is premier, I’ll tell you that right now. Read more...

June 30, 2016

BCGEU presses Canadian Prime Minister on Mexican teacher repression

Since mid-May, Mexican teachers have launched a nation-wide protest against new government measures that seek to shut down teacher (normal) training schools, base continued employment on teachers’ results on standardized written exams, and eliminate the need for pedagogical training for new teachers. The government’s response has been a wave of violence that includes the abduction and arbitrary...

June 29, 2016

Working Poverty in Metro Vancouver: the extent of the problem and realistic s...

Today the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) released a study on poverty in Vancouver. The report, Working Poverty in Metro Vancouver, presents sobering details on the increasing levels of poverty in the region. It also dispels an important myth about poverty: that getting a job will help lift a person out of poverty. Poverty in B.C.’s largest city is increasingly a story of low pa...

June 28, 2016

VSA Highway Maintenance Ltd health spending accounts for auxiliary employees ...

We have reached a settlement on the outstanding Health Spending Account (HSA) Policy Grievance. This settlement will change how an auxiliary employee's "in lieu" health dollars are utilized, effective the first pay received in October this year (Oct 1, 2016). Part of the settlement includes an important form to be completed to provide a choice of the options available. Therefore, if this appli...

June 24, 2016

Local 1011 Chair Election Results

Sisters and Brothers The election process for the  Local Chair on your Executive closed on June 22, 2016.  We want to take this opportunity to advise you of the results.  Congratulations to Brother Curtis Biech who was elected to the positon. We also want to take this opportunity to thank Brother Shane Hemming for putting his name forward. Your Local Executive is as follows: Chair          ...

June 24, 2016

Keep Your Cool!

The recent hot weather in our province generated several calls to the BCGEU Occupational Health and Safety department. Members want to know if the employer has the responsibility to protect workers from hot temperatures both indoors and out. The short answer is “YES!” The Workers Compensation Act Section 115 mandates that employers must ensure the health and safety of all workers working for t...

June 20, 2016

BCGEU celebrates the 20th National Aboriginal Day

On June 21, 1996 the federal government declared the first National Aboriginal Day. Since that time, the BCGEU has joined the celebrations and the calls for increased support and recognition of Aboriginal peoples across Canada. Over the course of those 20 years, Aboriginal peoples in Canada have fought for and won many advancements and reinforcements of their rights – sometimes through govern...

June 20, 2016

BCGEU demands freedom for Iranian trade unionists

In solidarity with the Free Them Now campaign to free jailed workers in Iran, the BCGEU sent two letters demanding the release of Jafar Azimzadeh and other jailed trade union leaders. Click here to read the general solidarity letter, and click here for the the more specific letter.