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Component 12 includes members who work for the B.C. Government and non-government employers providing front-line administrative and support services.

They work in a variety of classifications and positions: administrative officer, clerk, postal clerk, clerk stenographer, coordinator of volunteers, court clerk, financial officer, health unit aide, medical records librarian and technician, office assistant, data processing operator, radio, teletype and switchboard operators, stationery clerk and stockworker.


September 04, 2016

Celebrating Labour Day 2016

As long, sunny days shorten and cooler weather begins , Labour Day offers us time to reflect on the summer that is drawing to a close. For those of us in the labour movement it’s also a time to reflect on the state of working people in our union community. Looking back on the last year, it’s amazing to see the progress BCGEU members have made since last year’s celebrations.  We’ve grown tre...

August 18, 2016

Public Service Pension Plan - Fall 2016 Member Seminars

An update from the BC Pension Corporation: The fall schedule for the Public Service Pension Plan free member seminars is now posted on the website with seminars offered across BC.   Seminars Your Pension, Your Future It is important for new and mid-career employees to know how decisions made today can affect your retirement pension in the years to come. In this seminar, Y...

August 16, 2016

Local 602 and 1202 Stewards - 1 Day Enhanced Steward Training

All stewards are asked to attend a one-day training to enhance their skill set as a steward. Subjects will include: 1.    Review of the grievance procedure and filling out the grievance form. 2.    The steward's role in investigative meetings, Step 1 and 2 meetings and disciplinary        meetings. 3.    Letters of Expectation – What are they?  What are they not?  What is grievable, what is   ...

August 16, 2016

OH&S Committee Changes

Improving the Effectiveness of Occupational Health and Safety Committees   Public hearings have been scheduled by Worksafe BC on proposed regulatory changes, including proposed changes to joint health and safety committees.   New sections of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation related to joint committees are: 3.26, Rights and Responsibilities, evaluation for joint committees 3.2...

August 15, 2016

Local 1205 union meeting

DATE: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2016 TIME: 5:00 P.M. TO 7:00 P.M. PLACE: BCGEU, 158 ORIOLE ROAD, KAMLOOPS (VALLEYVIEW)             (evening entrance at Northwest corner of building AGENDA Light Snacks provided: Please RSVP to [email protected].  Regular Order of Business Chair Report OH&S Appointments To attend by conference call, dial 1 866 562 0090 at the meeting start time....