Component 4 includes members who provide health care and related services.

They provide nursing care, personal care, housekeeping, building maintenance, laundry, activities, dietary, security and rehabilitation services at institutional and long-term-care facilities, as well as medical lab and a variety of other services for other employers.



March 15, 2017

Your Right to Know

BCGEU met with Workers Compensation Board (WCB) managers on March 7 to express our concerns about the levels of violence in the health and community social services sectors.  The health and community social services sectors have been included in the WCB?s 2017 ?high risk strategy? because of the sheer number and gravity of incidents from this sector. The prevention of violence is WCB?s main ob...

March 15, 2017

Happy Dietitians' Day – Let’s celebrate our dietitians!

As part of National Nutrition Month, the BCGEU acknowledges and celebrates the important work of dietitians on Dietitians Day. BCGEU represents nearly 100 dietitians who are members of our Health Services component (Component 4). Dietitians work in residential care facilities, community health centres, population health, home care and community care, long-term care and public health units. The...

March 14, 2017

Tentative Settlement Reached - Ratification Vote for Nanaimo Seniors Village ...

Your  Bargaining Committee is pleased to announce that a tentative deal has been reached for a new collective agreement for members employed at Nanaimo Seniors Village. The Bargaining Committee is recommending that you vote YES to accept the tentative renewal Collective Agreement. Full details of the tentative agreement will be made available to members at the ratification meeting listed belo...

March 13, 2017

Significant funding boost to strengthen care for B.C. seniors

The Province is investing $500 million over the next four years as part of a Ministry of Health action plan to improve care for seniors across the system, including increasing direct-care hours for seniors in residential care.   Read more...

March 10, 2017

Save the Date – for File This! BCGEU administrative services conference

Are you a BCGEU member works in an office environment providing administrative services OR provides frontline service to the public in an administrative role? If the answer is YES, then save these dates: Sunday, October 1 to Tuesday, October 3, 2017 for “File This!”, a BCGEU conference for members who work in administrative services. The conference will be held in Richmond, B.C. and feature g...

March 10, 2017

Strike Vote for Members at The Salvation Army Harbour Light Arc

To:      All BCGEU Members at The Salvation Army Harbour Light Arc Re:      Strike Vote   The Employer and Union bargaining committees met to continue negotiations on March 2 and 3, and have reached impasse at the bargaining table. While the parties were able to agree to a number of housekeeping and language items, we were not able to agree on monetary items. Since the parties cannot reach ag...

March 09, 2017

Seniors health funding is a significant step to addressing care needs.

The B.C. Government & Service Employees' Union (BCGEU) feels that today’s announcement of $500 million to strengthen care for B.C. seniors represents a significant step toward addressing many of the most pressing needs in seniors’ care. “Our union has long advocated for the Ministry of Health to address staffing guidelines, care hours and funding for long-term care homes,” said Stephanie S...

March 09, 2017

All Local 403 BCGEU Members at Forensic Psychiatric Hospital

Re:    BCGEU President Stephanie Smith to visit Forensic Psychiatric Hospital In light of the recent assaults, discipline, and other serious health and safety related issues, BCGEU President Stephanie Smith will be making a worksite visit to Forensic Psychiatric Hospital on Tuesday, March 21st, from 2:00pm to 4:00pm. We will be bringing our RV and barbecue and serving hamburgers for our membe...

March 08, 2017

We stand in solidarity with the Jewish Community in Vancouver

The BCGEU expresses its condemnation of the bomb threat made to a Vancouver Jewish Community Centre last night. This kind of violence and anti-Semitism must not be tolerated. We stand in solidarity with the Jewish Community, and the families affected by this event. We are also heartened by expressions of support British Columbians are extending to the Jewish Community as we stand against hate ...

March 07, 2017

Happy International Women?s Day - Will you #BeBoldForChange?

Today, we?re proud to celebrate International Women?s Day 2017 ? Be Bold for Change. International Women?s Day is a day to celebrate the valuable achievements women have made across the world and a time to reflect on the progress made to advance equality for women. Despite these successes, we recognize that there are still many barriers and challenges that remain in working towards gender parit...

March 07, 2017

OHS Courses for Direct Government OHS Committee Members in the Lower Mainland...

"2 Day Joint OHS Committee Training" will be held on Tuesday, March 21 and Wednesday, March 22, 2017. "Ergonomics" will be held on Thursday, March 23, 2017. These courses will be held at the Burnaby Head Office? 4911 Canada Way, Burnaby from 9:00 am - 4:30 pm. In the Joint OHS Committee Training course you will learn: Worker OHS rights, including the refusal of unsafe work procedure OHS le...

March 07, 2017

Call for Alternates to Convention for Local 403

To:     BCGEU Members in Local 403 Re:     Call for Alternates to Convention   The 2017 Tri Annual BCGEU Constitutional Convention will be taking place from Wednesday, June 14, 2017 to Saturday, June 17, 2017. Convention is the time when you, the members decide who the next BCGEU President, Treasurer and four Executive Vice Presidents will be and what the mandate of YOUR Union will be over th...

March 06, 2017

OHS Course - Vancouver Area - Prevention of Workplace Violence - Wednesday, A...

To all Labour Code OHS Committee Members in the Vancouver Area "Prevention of Workplace Violence" will be held on Wednesday, April 19. This course will be held at the BCGEU office at #130-2920 Virtual Way, Vancouver from 9:00 am - 4:30 pm In the Prevention of Workplace Violence you will learn: The legislative requirements for a violence prevention program The definition of workplace viole...

March 06, 2017

Local 402 Members

Re:   Local 402 - Convention Delegate Results This notice is to advise the General Membership of the results of Local's Call for Nominations for 4 Convention Delegates. The following individuals will be representing the Local at the 50th BCGEU Triennial Constitutional Convention. 402 Delegates Cherie Baekkelund – Comox Valley Seniors Village David Cherry – VIHA Health Science Professionals ...

March 01, 2017

BCGEU partner APSIES in El Salvador - women's empowerment

Supported through CoDevelopment Canada, APSIES is a grassroots organization that works in five rural municipalities in southeastern El Salvador to mobilize citizens to protect and enhance publicly-funded healthcare and other social services. APSIES takes a comprehensive approach to health as a human right, with a special emphasis on women?s empowerment primarily through education and capacity-b...

March 01, 2017

BC New Democrat Health Forum

Worried about seniors care? Concerned about long wait times and MSP hikes? Can’t afford to pay more out of pocket for health care? Join New Democrat MLA Judy Darcy to share your stories and discuss solutions. When: Saturday, March 11, 2:30pm to 4:00pm Where: The Little Red Church Hall, 2182 Comox Avenue, Comox BC Who: Judy Darcy, Official Opposition Health Spokesperson For more details...

March 01, 2017

March 1st Meeting – Close of Nominations for Local Convention Delegates & Ele...

DATE:    Wednesday, March 1, 2017 TIME:     General Membership – 6:00 p.m. PLACE:   Holiday Inn Express & Suites – Great Room               2200 Cliffe Ave, Courtenay, BC  V9N 2L4   A conference call line will be set up at the general meeting tonight for members out of area who are wanting or needing to attend the local meeting by phone. The conference call number that will be used is 1-...

February 28, 2017

Ratification Vote Scheduled for HRC Care Society (Westminster House)

To:       All Members, HRC Care Society (Westminster House) Re:       RATIFICATION VOTE SCHEDULED   A drop in vote has been scheduled for:   Date:            Monday, March 20, 2017 Time:            7:00 a.m. ? 4:30 p.m. Location:      Fireside Lounge                      Westminster House This is your only opportunity to vote on the tentative agreement so please make every effort to come t...

February 27, 2017

Local 0406 Enhanced Steward Training - April 6, 2017

To:     Stewards and Executive Members in Local 0406 Re:     Enhanced Steward Training MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Enhanced Steward Training Date:           Thursday, April 6, 2017 Time:           9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Location:      Cariboo Area Office of the BCGEU                    107A 1st Avenue North                    Williams Lake V2G 1Y7        Lunch will be provided.  To ensure enough fo...

February 25, 2017

Remembering Millie Canessa: July 20, 1927 - February 19, 2017

Mildred ?Millie? Irene Canessa July 20, 1927 - February 19, 2017 Long-time trade unionist and social activist Millie Canessa passed away Sunday morning. An ardent defender of human rights and social justice causes including gender equality and workers' rights, Millie dedicated most of her life to bettering her community. Millie joined the Government Employees' Association in 1967, prior to t...

February 24, 2017

“Balanced” Budget 2017 tips the scales pre-election

BC Budget 2017 This week, the BC Liberals delivered a pre-election budget with uncharacteristic commitments to new spending. In his budget speech, Finance Minister Mike de Jong boasted about the province’s ability to make service and program investments after so many years of discipline and sacrifice by British Columbians. Indeed—albeit on the heels of intense public and media pressure—there ...