Component 4 includes members who provide health care and related services.

They provide nursing care, personal care, housekeeping, building maintenance, laundry, activities, dietary, security and rehabilitation services at institutional and long-term-care facilities, as well as medical lab and a variety of other services for other employers.



May 16, 2017

Provincial Government Awards Contract for Asbestos Inventory - BCGEU

The B.C. Government has taken a step forward in its commitment to create an inventory of asbestos in government buildings built before 1990 by awarding the contract to Pinchin West. There are over 750 government buildings that must be inspected as part of this initiative and it is estimated the inventory will take about 18 months to complete. Until the inventory has been completed, there will b...

May 15, 2017

Post-election message from Stephanie Smith - BCGEU

While we wait for the final results of recounts and absentee ballots, it’s become clear just how important your vote can be: one party is currently leading Courtenay-Comox by just 9 votes and another is leading in Richmond-Queensborough by only 263 votes. Regardless of the outcome, we will continue to work with government as we advocate for improved public services and supports across BC – inc...

May 15, 2017

Overdose calls spike in Vancouver — again — during first week of May - BCGEU

A barrage of overdose calls marked the first week of May in Vancouver. For the second time in less than a month, Vancouver Fire and Rescue Services (VFRS) reported more than 150 overdose calls in one week — responding to 168 calls last week. Vancouver Police reported seven suspected overdose deaths for the same period.   Read more...

May 12, 2017

Douglas Community Care - Update on Bargaining - BCGEU

Your Bargaining Committee met with Employer representatives on April 24, 25, and May 11, 2017. We have reached agreement on virtually all non-monetary items, including language and housekeeping changes which will make your Collective Agreement make better sense. However, the Employer's responses to the Union's monetary proposals have been unacceptable. We are scheduled to meet again on May 16th...

May 11, 2017

Nanaimo Seniors Village (NSV) - Wage Increases/Retro - BCGEU

Your Employer recently contacted the Union and advised that recently agreed to wage increases and retro payments owing to members in your new collective agreement, WILL NOT BE PAID until the new agreement is formally signed off by both parties. This is disappointing, as your Employer had indicated that the wage lifts, and retro payments would be paid either on April 18th or May 12th. The Union ...

May 11, 2017

Lifelabs- Town Hall Conference Call - BCGEU

A town hall conference call has been scheduled for members unable to attend any of the ratification meetings listed below. The conference call is scheduled for May 17th, between 6:00pm and 7:00pm. This is your opportunity to review all of the changes and improvements  in the tentative agreement, and have any of your questions answered by LifeLabs bargaining committee members and BCGEU staff neg...

May 08, 2017

Happy National Nursing Week! - BCGEU

This week – May 8 to 14 – we celebrate National Nursing Week. The BCGEU would like to recognize the valuable work of the nurses we represent in our union. “I would like to offer my heartfelt thanks to all nurses across Canada, and acknowledge them for their dedication, professionalism and the essential role they play in Canada’s health care system,” said Stephanie Smith, BCGEU president. This y...

May 05, 2017

Have your say! - BCGEU

In March, BCGEU President Stephanie Smith sent a letter to the Board Chair of the Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA) outlining her concerns about the violent working conditions our members are faced with at Forensic Psychiatric Hospital.  The letter referenced the 102 Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) inspection reports that have been filed, the 54 WCB orders that have been written in ...

May 05, 2017

Sodexo members at George Pearson Centre Bargaining Questionnaire – We Need yo...

To:      All BCGEU Members at Sodexo at George Pearson Centre, Local 403 Re:      Bargaining Questionnaire – We Need your Input!   As bargaining committee nominations are now underway, we will soon be preparing proposals that we will present to the Employer. All members are encouraged to take the time to provide input by completing the attached bargaining questionnaire. Please return the comple...

May 05, 2017

B.C. Election 2017: Horgan speaks out on fentanyl crisis, more must be done -...

With deaths from illicit drug overdoses continuing to climb in the Lower Mainland, NDP Leader John Horgan said Thursday that the B.C. Liberals aren’t doing enough to mitigate the crisis.   Read more...

May 04, 2017

BC Employment Standards Coalition releases report: Why BC Employment Standard...

Today the BC Employment Standards Coalition released a powerful report called Workers’ Stories of Exploitation & Abuse: Why BC Employment Standards Need to Change. The report is based on a series of Workers’ Forums the coalition hosted over the past few months in the Lower Mainland and Victoria to give voice to BC workers who have been treated unfairly. The report brings the inadequacies of...

May 04, 2017

Day of Mourning honours lives lost on the job - BCGEU

About 25 people gathered at City Hall Friday afternoon to march in honour of those who lost their lives in the workplace. The annual Day of Mourning recognizes the need for safe work practices and those who died on the job. Kurt Langdon, an equipment operator with the city of Fort St. John and local chair for the BCGEU, said he was pleased to see the number of people that came out. Read more...

May 04, 2017

Membership Meetings & Ratification Vote Process LifeLabs - BCGEU

A tentative agreement was reached on April 13th, 2017 between the BCGEU and LifeLabs.    Highlights of the agreement include: 6.5% wage increase over 5 years, retroactive to July 1st, 2016 Increase to the shift differential Increases in the premiums for 1st Aide Attendants and training allowance Other language changes to resolve local issues.  The Bargaining Committee is recommending that you...

May 03, 2017

Sodexo - Call for Bargaining Committee Nominations - BCGEU

Your collective agreement is due to expire. In preparation for negotiations, a new bargaining committee must be elected to participate in the bargaining process. Call for nominations for: One (1) Bargaining Committee Member One (1) Bargaining Committee Member Alternate If there are more nominations than positions available, the Union will conduct an election. In order to be nominated, a mem...

May 01, 2017

Members at Forensic Psychiatric Hospital: Stephanie Smith video message - BCGEU

WATCH:  BCGEU President Stephanie Smith has a special message to all BCGEU members working at Forensic Psychiatric Hospital. Watch it below. In the meantime, a working group of both staff and elected officials has been established and your union will continue to engage with you and keep you updated. If you have any questions or would like support, please contact one of your OH&S reps or o...

April 28, 2017

Violence continues to escalate at Forensic Psychiatric Hospital, workers dema...

BURNABY – The latest in a series of violent incidents occurred at Forensic Psychiatric Hospital (FPH) in Coquitlam Wednesday night in which the RCMP and the Abbotsford Police were needed to restrain a patient threatening staff and other patients. Another near miss, the violent patient brandished a weapon and put 10 other patients and several staff in harm’s way. BC Government and Service Emplo...

April 27, 2017

Les Leyne: B.C. leaders lie low on legal highs ahead - BCGEU

Campaigning provincial politicians have dozens of changes in mind for B.C., but they are scarcely talking about the major adjustment that’s coming, regardless of who wins the election. For all the competing visions being outlined by provincial leaders, the federal government’s move to legalize marijuana is going to be the single biggest revamp on the social and political scene. It was introduce...

April 26, 2017

BCGEU Equity and Human Rights Conference 2017 - BCGEU

The BCGEU 50th Triennial Convention is taking place June 14 -17, 2017.   As part of convention, the Equity and Human Rights Conference is taking place on June 18 and 19, 2017 at the Hyatt Regency Vancouver Hotel, for members who identify with one or more of four equity groups: workers of colour, workers with disabilities, aboriginal workers and LGBTQI2S workers. Registered members will be p...

April 25, 2017

Dozens of Aboriginal child welfare workers rally for improved funding for Abo...

BURNABY - About 60 Aboriginal child welfare staff and community members braved the cold and wind on Saturday, April 22 to demand more funding for Aboriginal child and family services. Reporters from both CBC and APTN filmed the colourful event. Workers and community members of all ages marched along Croydon Drive and stopped outside Minister Stephanie Cadieux’s campaign office to demand improv...

April 25, 2017

Great photos from Medical Laboratory Professionals Week! - BCGEU

We would like to share some photos from last week's Medical Laboratory Professionals Week, as medical lab technologists from across the province celebrated. These specialists are valuable members of BC’s health care team, providing laboratory test results that are vital to the diagnosis and treatment of illness and disease. BCGEU is proud to represent hundreds of medical laboratory technologis...

April 24, 2017

Parksville Stabbing - BCGEU

Background On January of 2015, a client with dementia stabbed a community health worker that was attending to his wife in their home. Fortunately for the worker, she reacted quickly by grabbing the knife out of his hand and threw it under the bed where he couldn’t reach it. This prevented further injury to her as she escaped the house. Also fortunately for the worker, the client’s dementia pre...