Component 4 includes members who provide health care and related services.

They provide nursing care, personal care, housekeeping, building maintenance, laundry, activities, dietary, security and rehabilitation services at institutional and long-term-care facilities, as well as medical lab and a variety of other services for other employers.



October 21, 2016

Meet your Component 4 Executive - Deborah Wagner

Deborah Wagner is Recording Secretary of Component 4 and Chair, Local 407.

October 21, 2016

All Members at HCN – Revera Lessee (Whitecliff) - Notice of Election of Barga...

Your collective agreement expires on December 31, 2016 and the Union is beginning preparations to conduct negotiations for a renewal agreement on your behalf.  Therefore, a new bargaining committee must be elected to represent all BCGEU members of HCN – Revera Lessee (Whitecliff).  The Chairperson must be elected by membership vote and the remaining seats on the committee will be elected once t...

October 21, 2016

All Members at Westminster House HRC Care Society Notice of Election of Barga...

Your collective agreement expires on December 31, 2016 and the Union is beginning preparations to conduct negotiations for a renewal agreement on your behalf.  Therefore, a new bargaining committee must be elected to represent all BCGEU members of Westminster House HRC Care Society.  The Chairperson must be elected by membership vote and the remaining seats on the committee will be elected once...

October 20, 2016

Salvation Army - Harbour Light Detox - Steward Nominations

Steward nominations are now open at your worksite. There are 2 positions open. Deadline for nominations is November 21, 2016. Please fill out attached nomination forms and return to the Lower Mainland Area Office by November 21, 2016 at the following address: Suite 130 2929 Virtual Way Vancouver, BC  V5M 0C4 or via facsimile (604-215-1401). Shirley Shiagetz Staff Representative Download ...

October 20, 2016

Sienna-Baltic (Cascades) - Tentative Renewal Collective Agreement Reached

Your bargaining committee met with the Employer on October 17th and 18th and is pleased to tell you that a tentative renewal agreement has been reached. Over the next week a package containing all of the proposed changes will be mailed and emailed to all members for whom the Union has a current address/email address. If you have moved or changed your email address in the past few years please ...

October 19, 2016

The Wellesley (Well Being Senior Services) - Seeking Volunteers to Serve on t...

Your Collective Agreement expires on December 31, 2016. In September, the union sent a notice to members advising that nominations were being sought for three members of the bargaining committee, one of whom would serve as chair of the committee. At the close of nominations, there are no nominations for bargaining committee chair and there is one nomination for the bargaining committee. As a r...

October 18, 2016

Oxfam Canada launches new campaign for gender equality

Oxfam Canada is launching a new campaign this week called Shortchanged. The campaign’s goal is to shift the public debate on care responsibilities and build a movement of people who want to accelerate progress for women. In particular, the campaign will help create awareness and mobilize Canadians around the issue of women’s inequality in work.  In the coming months, Shortchanged will challe...

October 18, 2016

October 18: Health Care Assistant Day

Our front-line health care workers provide valuable services to seniors and people with disabilities 2016 marks the sixth annual Health Care Assistant Day in BC. With more than 38,000 health care assistants across the province, be sure to take a moment and acknowledge our care aides and community health workers and the very important work they do. Read the B.C. government proclamation here...

October 14, 2016

J.S.T. Holdings Ltd. Ratification Vote

To:       All BCGEU Members – J.S.T. Holdings Ltd. Re:       Ratification Vote   A tentative agreement has been reached between J.S.T. Holdings Ltd. and the BCGEU. A complete package with all details will be prepared for the ratification meeting. The tentative collective agreement is for a 3 year contract and includes some minor language and housekeeping changes as well as financial gains. ...

October 14, 2016

Occupational Health and Safety Committee Representatives in Area 07 - BC Fede...

The “Occupational Health” course will be offered at the Okanagan area office in Kelowna on Tuesday, November 15, 2016 from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm. This course will be delivered by a facilitator from the BC Federation of Labour Health and Safety Centre. Health hazards are not as obvious and apparent as safety hazards in the workplace and as such often don’t receive proper attention and resources co...

October 13, 2016

Local 402 1-Day Enhanced Steward Training REGISTRATION DEADLINE EXTENDED

To:    All BCGEU Local 402 Stewards Re:    1-Day ENHANCED STEWARD TRAINING   Bring your Questions!  Build Your Skills!  Have Fun! Don’t you deserve a day to feel appreciated for the work you do representing your co-workers as a BCGEU Steward. Did you know that you have an entire group of people with Union experience and expertise who want to help/mentor you in your steward role? How woul...

October 07, 2016

LifeLabs Bargaining Begins!

To:      All BCGEU Members at LifeLabs Re:      Bargaining Begins!   Your Bargaining Committee is pleased to announce that collective agreement negotiations with your Employer commenced on October 6, 2016. Talks with the Employer were respectful and productive and a large number of proposals were exchanged. Your committee remains determined that a strong, fair collective agreement is negoti...

October 07, 2016

BCGEU makes budget submission to Finance Committee

BCGEU president Stephanie Smith made a presentation to the B.C. Select Standing Committee on Finance and Governnment Services today, outlining the union’s priorities for the upcoming provincial budget. Smith noted that it’s time to chart a different course in British Columbia and urged the government to take steps to accomplish three main objectives – quality jobs for all British Columbians; r...

October 06, 2016

BCGEU pushes the WCB to fine Forensic Psychiatric Hospital

VANCOUVER -- The BC Government and Service Employees’ Union (BCGEU) has successfully pushed the Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) to fine the Forensic Psychiatric Services Commission over $171,000 due to extremely dangerous conditions at the Forensic Psychiatric Hospital in Coquitlam. Union members at the hospital have been urging the employer to introduce safety measures to protect workers. T...