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Component 5 includes members who work for the BC Liquor Distribution Branch in retail stores and related warehouse operations.


May 16, 2017

Provincial Government Awards Contract for Asbestos Inventory - BCGEU

The B.C. Government has taken a step forward in its commitment to create an inventory of asbestos in government buildings built before 1990 by awarding the contract to Pinchin West. There are over 750 government buildings that must be inspected as part of this initiative and it is estimated the inventory will take about 18 months to complete. Until the inventory has been completed, there will b...

May 15, 2017

Post-election message from Stephanie Smith - BCGEU

While we wait for the final results of recounts and absentee ballots, it’s become clear just how important your vote can be: one party is currently leading Courtenay-Comox by just 9 votes and another is leading in Richmond-Queensborough by only 263 votes. Regardless of the outcome, we will continue to work with government as we advocate for improved public services and supports across BC – inc...

May 12, 2017

Remembering Hilary Ribeiro - BCGEU

We were shocked to learn of the passage of Hilary Ribeiro in April.  Hilary was a young BCGEU Local 501 member employed by the Liquor Distribution Branch in Victoria. Hilary was enthusiastic about product knowledge and customer service. Her tragic death is felt very heavily by co-workers.  Our thoughts are with Hilary’s family and workmates during this difficult time.  We understand that the LD...

May 12, 2017

Remembering Doug Jackson - BCGEU

We are saddened to learn of the sudden passage of Doug Jackson.  Doug was a BCGEU Local 501 member for over 30 years.  He worked for the Liquor Distribution Branch in Greater Victoria, initially as an auxiliary employee in the old 12-store recall unit, and later as a regular employee at the Saanich liquor store. Doug was also a BCGEU Steward and Occupational Health & Safety Representative f...

May 08, 2017

B.C. party leaders mostly silent on marijuana opportunities - BCGEU

The leaders of British Columbia’s three main political parties have all spent time on the campaign trail praising its craft-beer industry, but none has said much about one of the other most popular intoxicants widely produced throughout the province: cannabis.   Read more...

May 04, 2017

BC Employment Standards Coalition releases report: Why BC Employment Standard...

Today the BC Employment Standards Coalition released a powerful report called Workers’ Stories of Exploitation & Abuse: Why BC Employment Standards Need to Change. The report is based on a series of Workers’ Forums the coalition hosted over the past few months in the Lower Mainland and Victoria to give voice to BC workers who have been treated unfairly. The report brings the inadequacies of...

May 04, 2017

Day of Mourning honours lives lost on the job - BCGEU

About 25 people gathered at City Hall Friday afternoon to march in honour of those who lost their lives in the workplace. The annual Day of Mourning recognizes the need for safe work practices and those who died on the job. Kurt Langdon, an equipment operator with the city of Fort St. John and local chair for the BCGEU, said he was pleased to see the number of people that came out. Read more...

May 02, 2017

Local 0511 & 2011 Enhanced Steward Training - BCGEU

MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Enhanced Steward Training Date:          Monday, May 15, 2017 Time:          9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Location:    Diane L. Wood Union Centre                    Prince George Area Office of the BCGEU                    500 Quebec Street                    Prince George, BC V2L 1C6 Lunch will be provided.  To ensure enough food is ordered, please register online at the link pr...

May 01, 2017

Safety Tip of the Month - May 2017 - BCGEU

  CREATING A SAFE AND PSYCHOLOGICALLY HEALTHY WORKPLACE   Hello Component 5 Members, Because May 1-8 is the Canadian Mental Health Association's (CMHA) 66th annual Mental Health Week, the committee has decided to share with you some tips on creating a safe and psychologically healthy workplace. As we all know, protecting psychological health and safety leads to happier, more productive workers....

April 27, 2017

Les Leyne: B.C. leaders lie low on legal highs ahead - BCGEU

Campaigning provincial politicians have dozens of changes in mind for B.C., but they are scarcely talking about the major adjustment that’s coming, regardless of who wins the election. For all the competing visions being outlined by provincial leaders, the federal government’s move to legalize marijuana is going to be the single biggest revamp on the social and political scene. It was introduce...

April 26, 2017

BCGEU Equity and Human Rights Conference 2017 - BCGEU

The BCGEU 50th Triennial Convention is taking place June 14 -17, 2017.   As part of convention, the Equity and Human Rights Conference is taking place on June 18 and 19, 2017 at the Hyatt Regency Vancouver Hotel, for members who identify with one or more of four equity groups: workers of colour, workers with disabilities, aboriginal workers and LGBTQI2S workers. Registered members will be p...

April 25, 2017

Dozens of Aboriginal child welfare workers rally for improved funding for Abo...

BURNABY - About 60 Aboriginal child welfare staff and community members braved the cold and wind on Saturday, April 22 to demand more funding for Aboriginal child and family services. Reporters from both CBC and APTN filmed the colourful event. Workers and community members of all ages marched along Croydon Drive and stopped outside Minister Stephanie Cadieux’s campaign office to demand improv...