Component 5 includes members who work for the BC Liquor Distribution Branch in retail stores and related warehouse operations.


November 07, 2016

Liquor licensing streamlined for businesses, local governments

Liquor licence applications will be processed more efficiently thanks to upcoming changes involving local governments and First Nations. Read more...

November 03, 2016

B.C. government conditionally approves Loblaw wine licences

The B.C. government has given Loblaw Companies Ltd. approval in principle to put B.C. wine on the shelves of six of its stores, the government announced November 3. Read more...

November 02, 2016

Safety tip of the month - November

USING AND MAINTAINING KNIVES\BOX CUTTERS SAFELY It is important to handle your box cutters safely all year round, but the committee knows that at this time of year we are building bigger and more displays to prepare for Christmas, so we just wanted to put out a “friendly reminder” and share some tips.  Always cut in a direction away from your body and make sure no body parts (face, fingers,...

November 01, 2016

Local 501 Holiday Season Social Event

To:    All BCGEU Local 501 Members Re:    Holiday Season Social Event   You are cordially invited to our second annual Holiday Season Social Event!   Friday, December 2, 2016 BCGEU Building, Main Floor 2994 Douglas Street 7:00pm – 10:00pm   Our plan is to have an informal get-together for Local 501 members (and retirees), and to have holiday season snacks available. Please RSVP by Nov...

October 26, 2016

Members at LDB, North Island - Your chance to ask questions!

Dear Sisters and Brothers The Local wants to hear from you!  We know it is difficult for members to come to meetings with our island geography and shift work. We want to provide an opportunity for you to be involved by giving you the opportunity to call in and have your questions answered, and give you information on what is going on in the Local and the Union. Myself, other Local Executive ...

October 24, 2016

Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System

Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System You may have noticed a change with the hazardous product labelling at your worksite. This is due to the adoption of the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS). The Globally Harmonized System was initiated to standardize information on the safe use of hazardous products in Canadian workplaces and with our ma...

October 24, 2016

Steward Nomination for Liquor Distribution Branch - Fairfield Plaza Liquor St...

Any union member at this workplace can nominate another member for election as a steward.  Both the person nominated, and the nominator should print and sign their names below. NOMINATIONS ARE OPEN FOR 30 DAYS AND WILL CLOSE AT MIDNIGHT ON: November 25, 2016       Number of Stewards needed: 2   Name of candidate for steward (Please print and sign.) Name of nomi...

October 24, 2016

Steward Nomination for Liquor Distribution Branch - James Bay Liquor Store, V...

Any union member at this workplace can nominate another member for election as a steward.  Both the person nominated, and the nominator should print and sign their names below. NOMINATIONS ARE OPEN FOR 30 DAYS AND WILL CLOSE AT MIDNIGHT ON: November 25, 2016       Number of Stewards needed: 1   Name of candidate for steward (Please print and sign.) Name of no...