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Component 5 includes members who work for the BC Liquor Distribution Branch in retail stores and related warehouse operations.


October 14, 2016

Occupational Health and Safety Committee Representatives in Area 07 - BC Fede...

The “Occupational Health” course will be offered at the Okanagan area office in Kelowna on Tuesday, November 15, 2016 from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm. This course will be delivered by a facilitator from the BC Federation of Labour Health and Safety Centre. Health hazards are not as obvious and apparent as safety hazards in the workplace and as such often don’t receive proper attention and resources co...

October 07, 2016

BCGEU makes budget submission to Finance Committee

BCGEU president Stephanie Smith made a presentation to the B.C. Select Standing Committee on Finance and Governnment Services today, outlining the union’s priorities for the upcoming provincial budget. Smith noted that it’s time to chart a different course in British Columbia and urged the government to take steps to accomplish three main objectives – quality jobs for all British Columbians; r...

October 05, 2016

Watch: Stephanie Smith at the launch of the 2016 PECSF campaign

BCGEU President Stephanie Smith spoke at the 2016 kickoff of the Provincial Employees Community Services Fund (PECSF) hosted at the Liquor Distribution Branch (LDB) warehouse in Vancouver. Smith thanked BCGEU members for volunteering and helping to donate $1.7 million to local charities in 2015. These donations benefit more than 900 charities across BC inluding food banks, hospice/palliative ca...

September 30, 2016

LDB Retail Stores Worksite Visits

To:   All BCGEU Members at LDB Retail Stores Re:   Worksite Visits:  Port Alberni, Ucluelet, and Tofino   Dear Sisters and Brothers, I am pleased to advise you that BCGEU Local 502 Vice-Chairperson, Aaron Katajamaki, will be visiting on October 2 and 3, 2016 to meet with members, introduce himself, and discuss any issues you may have.   Port Albeni Retail Store        October 2, 2016 Uc...

September 30, 2016

Watch: Stephanie Smith looks back on a busy week and speaks about the importa...

BCGEU president Stephanie Smith looks back on a busy week in Victoria that included worksite visits, a member BBQ and the Union of BC Municipalities convention. She also honours the work of Phyllis Webstad on Orange Shirt Day. Have a look:

September 26, 2016

Local 502 1-Day Enhanced Steward Training

To:      All BCGEU Local 502 Stewards – Liquor Distribution Branch Re:      1-DAY ENHANCED STEWARD TRAINING   SESSION SUBJECTS Duty to Accommodate: As a steward you may often be approached to assist an employee who requires a medical accommodation or an accommodation on the grounds of protection under the Human Rights Code. This duty extends to the Union, the Employer and the Employee. The ...