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Component 8 includes members who provide health services in our communities.

They work in home support, drug and alcohol treatment centres, adult day care, detox and emergency shelters, women's clinics, services to seniors, mental health group homes, regional health units and other community-based health services.


January 08, 2024

BCGEU calls for Vacancy Control, not more unaffordable rent hikes  - BC Gener...

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEJanuary 8, 2024  BCGEU calls for Vacancy Control, not more unaffordable rent hikes  (Burnaby, B.C.)   While some B.C. renters are bracing themselves for another 3.5-per-cent rent-hike in 2024, those looking for a new home will be paying much more to stay in their communities, says the B.C. General Employees' Union (BCGEU), calling again for vacancy control measures.  Accord...

January 04, 2024

Union Steward Nominations at Atira Women’s Resource Society - BC General Empl...

Nominations are now open for steward vacancies at Atira Women's Resource Society. The number of vacant union steward positions available at each site are: The deadline for submission of nominations (form attached) is: Monday, February 5th at 5:00pm.  If you are interested in becoming a steward, or know someone who is, please fill out the nomination form attached. Nomination forms may be submit...

December 19, 2023

TD Bank's Racial Equity Audit: Commendable Yet Incomplete Asserts Labour Unio...

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Burnaby, BC, December 19, 2023 - In a landmark move, The Toronto-Dominion Bank (TSX: TD) unveiled the findings of its much-anticipated racial equity audit report which examines the bank's employment practices across its US and Canadian operations. A response to a shareholder proposal by the BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU), this audit is a significant step for North Ame...

December 13, 2023

ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT – Kamloops Area Office - BC General Employees' Union...

BCGEU KAMLOOPS AREA OFFICEINTERNAL POSTINGDecember 13, 2023    POSITION:          ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT – Kamloops Area Office GRADE:                LEVEL 5 - MoveUP AGREEMENT WAGE RATE:      $34.67 - $37.30 per hour An Administrative Assistant is required to provide administrative support to the staff representatives in the Kamloops Area Office, located in Kamloops, BC.  Term of assignme...

December 06, 2023

Dec 6 National Day of Rememberance and Action on Violence Against Women - BC ...

December 6th marks the 34th anniversary of the École Polytechnique Massacre, which occurred on December 6, 1989, in Montreal. The perpetrator, fueled by misogynistic beliefs, took the lives of 14 young women that day. Three decades later, the impact of this horrific act of violence continues to reverberate through the ongoing struggle against gender-based violence. The risk of harassment and vi...