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Community Social Services Bargaining Updates

March 22, 2022

pushing for solutions in bargaining talks - BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU)

Your Community Social Services Bargaining Association is continuing to meet with the employers’ association.
We are pushing to achieve the non-monetary priorities that you identified as important measures to address the challenges in the community social services sector.
By the end of last week, your bargaining association tabled all non-monetary topics and interests for consideration. We are continuing in-depth discussions this week on these critical issues and have several days of negotiations scheduled.
Worker stories are a powerful tool for the negotiating table. We have heard from many of you that the global health pandemic has affected your working conditions in areas such as staffing, mental health, violence in the workplace and workloads.
To show the employer how badly change is needed, we want to share real-life examples of the challenges we face in these areas, but first we need to gather stories from members like you.
Have you personally experienced challenges related to the pandemic?  Click here to share your story using our simple online form.

Once we have dealt with the non-monetary issues, we will move on to wages, benefits and other monetary topics. To this point, our discussions have been productive and cooperative. However, your bargaining association has also heard you clearly that cost of living protections is critical to achieving the agreement you deserve.
To keep you up to date on the latest bargaining news, we need effective methods of communication.
Please remind your coworkers to sign up to get updates by email and ensure that your contact information is current, so you can get regular updates during bargaining. You can also check the CSSBA website for up-to-date information on bargaining:
In solidarity,

Your Community Social Services Bargaining Association (CSSBA) Negotiating Committee



March 08, 2022

Update from the fifth week of Community Social Services bargaining - BC Gene...

Last week was week five of negotiations between your Community Social Services Bargaining Association (CSSBA) and the Community Social Services Employers Association (CSSEA). 

We opened negotiations on Tuesday, March 1st by recognizing that March is Community Social Services Month, a time to honour and reflect on the important work that you do for our social safety net and for communities.

So far, our talks have focused on non-monetary interests including casual employees, probationary employees, flexibility and working conditions.

Discussions continue to be collaborative and positive. We are focused on bringing to the table the priorities that all our members have identified.
The committee is made up of BCGEU members and representatives of nine other unions in CSSBA tasked with negotiating new terms of a collective agreement for you and 17,000 other community social services workers employed in every community across the province. The current agreement is set to expire on March 31.

This week, we have expanded our in-person participation, maintaining our use of a hybrid model. Due to COVID-19, this round of bargaining looks different from any other. The committee has been provided with rapid antigen tests and N95 masks to ensure safe, in-person negotiations.

Please remind your coworkers to sign up to get updates by email and ensure that your contact information is current, so you can get regular updates during bargaining. 

In solidarity,

Your committee,

The Community Social Services Bargaining Association celebrates International Women's Day 2022!


February 22, 2022

Update from third week of Community Social Services bargaining - BC General E...

We opened our third week of bargaining by recognizing the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls' Memorial March which occurred on Monday February 14 in Vancouver's Downtown East Side. Many of our members take part in this march every year to honour those lost to the violence of colonization and to urge those in power to take meaningful action to prevent further harm.

We carried forward discussions on substantive non-monetary topics, where both parties continue to find common ground. Members of the negotiating committee also shared their powerful stories about how they and their fellow members have been impacted working through the pandemic on the front line supporting their families, communities, and individuals in need. These stories were personal and demonstrated the challenges that community social services workers faced over the last two years. The employers committee listened and acknowledged the experiences and frustrations our members shared.
The tone continues to be positive and collaborative, and your negotiating committee remains committed to bringing forward the priorities of all CSSBA members.
We will keep you updated as talks progress.
Please remind your coworkers to sign up to get updates by email and ensure that your contact information is current, so you can get regular updates during bargaining. You can also check the CSSBA website for up-to-date information on bargaining:
In solidarity,

Your Community Social Services Bargaining Association (CSSBA) Negotiating Committee
P.S. If you know a co-worker who is not getting these emails forward this to them and tell them to update their information here with the union. If they aren't getting emails, we don't have their contact info.


February 14, 2022

Bargaining has begun for CSSEA members - BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU)

As you know, we began bargaining for your new collective agreement last week. The Community Social Services Bargaining Association (CSSBA) committee finalized the unions’ priorities and proposals and initiated talks with the Community Social Services Employers Association (CSSEA) bargaining committee on February 2, 2022 and the parties were able to agree on bargaining protocols on February 3.
Last week, the parties identified the major themes which are of interest to each side and began expanding on those subjects. By the end of the week, we were able to agree to the majority of housekeeping items. These are items that don’t change the substance of the agreement but rather make it easier to interpret.
We look forward to entering discussions around other priorities when we meet again on February 15.
We are committed to bargain with the priorities that you put forward and will provide weekly updates.
Please remind your coworkers to sign up to get updates by email and ensure that your contact information is current, so you can get regular updates during bargaining. You can also check the CSSBA website for up-to-date information on bargaining:
In solidarity,

Your Community Social Services Bargaining Association (CSSBA) Negotiating Committee
P.S. If you know a co-worker who is not getting these emails forward this to them and tell them to update their information here with the union. If they aren’t getting emails, we don’t have their contact info.



February 01, 2022

Community Social Services Bargaining starts this week! - BC General Employees...

Your Community Social Services Bargaining Association (CSSBA) Negotiating Committee held our bargaining conference last week.

Over 17,000 community social service workers from nine different unions across the province brought forward ideas and proposals for bargaining. With your input, we finalized our priorities and we are ready to meet our counterparts and begin negotiating a new collective agreement.

Our bargaining conference was held in a hybrid in-person and virtual format. We'll be using this same format for formal negotiations, which start on February 2, 2022.

We look forward to representing you at the bargaining table and we will keep you updated throughout negotiations.

Please remind your coworkers to sign up to get updates by email and ensure that your contact information is current, so you can get regular updates during bargaining. You can also check the CSSBA website for up-to-date information on bargaining:


In solidarity,

Your Community Social Services Bargaining Association (CSSBA) Negotiating Committee

P.S. If you know a co-worker who is not getting these emails forward this to them and tell them to update their information here with the union. If they aren't getting emails, we don't have their contact info. Get them to sign up at:


November 23, 2021

BCGEU community social services members set priorities at bargaining conferen...

BCGEU community social services members from across the province gathered in Burnaby last week to identify bargaining priorities and elect a bargaining committee for the upcoming round of negotiations.
BCGEU President Stephanie welcomed delegates with opening remarks, “The pandemic showed us that our old normal was broken and we can’t go back. We collectively know what needs to be done to fix the problems in our society and in our sector,” said Smith. “During the pandemic, you’ve been acknowledged, you’ve been thanked, you’ve been deemed essential. But what you need is to get the recognition where it counts: a fair contract and benefits that allow you to take care of yourself and your families.”
Treasurer Paul Finch virtually greeted delegates, providing a budget update and recognizing the extraordinary work of community social services workers. “Our people are burnt out; we see that across the board. We want to make sure you are supported,” said Finch.
Component 3 Vice President Andrea Duncan presented an overview of the bargaining committee, the election process, and kicked off a long session for delegates to discuss bargaining priorities. “You are the experts about what is happening on the ground in your worksites,” said Duncan.
Lead negotiator Selena Kongpreecha summarized the structure of the Community Social Services Bargaining Association (CSSBA) and the key timeline events throughout the bargaining process.
Next steps
Your newly elected bargaining committee will be preparing for bargaining which we anticipate will happen in early 2022. We will continue to keep members updated throughout the bargaining process.
See photos of the bargaining conference here.
Congratulations to the newly elected Community Social Services Bargaining Committee! We would like to extend sincere thanks to everyone who put their name forward to be part of the conference.

BCGEU Community Social Services Bargaining Committee members:
Andrea Duncan (Component 3 Vice President and Community Social Services Bargaining Committee Chair)
Selena Kongpreecha (Lead negotiator, Community Social Services Bargaining Committee)
Alexandra Vucko
Al McMurray
Andrea Duncan
Angela Reed
April Duffield
Brian Calderwood
Jessica Daigneault
John Manthorpe
Kari Bepple (Co-chair, General Services)
Katelynn Banky
Kim Rilka
Laurel Nielsen
Linda Rowley
Lois Higgins
Melissa Linn
Nikki Hay
Pamela Pye (Co-chair, Community Living Services)
Patricia Phillips (Co-chair, Indigenous Services)
Rene Francis
Sharon Hollingsworth
Shelley Gladstone
Tammy Lewis
Valentina Mahecha
Wynn Hartfelder


October 28, 2021

Community Social Services Bargaining Association bargaining survey: We need y...

As you are likely aware, your collective agreement with the employer expires on March 31, 2022.

In preparation for the renewal of the collective agreement, we are asking for your input. This is your opportunity to have a say in the terms and conditions in your collective agreement.
Your input is important: Please check your emails for a link to the bargaining survey.

It’s quick, easy and confidential.
The deadline for completing the bargaining survey is Sunday, November 7th.
If you were forwarded this email, make sure our union has your current email address by logging into the BCGEU Member’s Portal at and updating your information. 

We will keep you posted of developments once bargaining gets underway.