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Component 20 includes members who work for the B.C. Government engaged in engineering support and inspectional duties at the technical level, as well as those charged with protecting and regulating natural resources or ensuring the quality of the environment.


April 11, 2023

BCGEU statement on the ongoing decampment of unhoused people on Vancouver’s D...

The City of Vancouver's ongoing forced, mass decampment of unhoused people in the Downtown Eastside (DTES) without alternative supportive housing in place is unnecessary and a violation of human rights.    Since last week, Vancouver police and city staff have been actively dismantling tents, throwing out belongings and forcibly removing unhoused people from structures along Hastings Street in V...

April 05, 2023

"This is an important day” - shareholder vote at RBC a “turning point” for sy...

TORONTO and SASKATOON - April 5, 2023 "This is an important day" - shareholder vote at RBC a "turning point" for systemic racism in Canadian financial institutionsMore than 44% of RBC shareholders voted in favour of a proposal filed by SHARE on behalf of the Atkinson Foundation and the B.C. General Employees' Union (BCGEU). The proposal asks Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) to commission a third-part...

April 05, 2023

Rest in Peace Robert Keddie - BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU)

It's with great sadness that we announce the passing of former cross component treasurer and long time Local 311 executive Robert Keddie on April 1.  Keddie was very active in the B.C. labour movement and his connection with the BCGEU goes back decades. He was a member of local 203 and served on the Component 2 executive. Later, he served as the chair of 311 and on Component 3's executive as th...

April 04, 2023

Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy Mbrs (2975 Jutland Rd) - ...

Nominations are now open for three (3) shop stewards in the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy at 2975 Jutland Road.  The deadline for submission of nominations (form attached) is: April 18, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. Nomination forms must be submitted by email to [email protected] Newly elected stewards are entitled to training at the Union's expense, including paid leave from w...

April 03, 2023

Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy at 525 Superior Street, V...

Nominations are now open for three (3) shop stewards in the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy at 525 Superior Street, Victoria.   The deadline for submission of nominations (form attached) is: April 18, 2023 at 5 p.m. Nomination forms must be submitted by email to [email protected] elected stewards are entitled to training at the union's expense, including paid le...

March 29, 2023

BCGEU community social services workers ratify three-year deal - BC General ...

March 29, 2023For immediate release  BCGEU community social services workers ratify three-year deal     BURNABY – The Community Social Services Bargaining Association (CSSBA) announced today that the 19,000 members of the community social services bargaining unit employed by the Community Social Services Employer's Association (CSSEA) voted 95 per cent to accept the tentative agreement. The B.C...

March 28, 2023

BC Energy Regulator Ratification Document - BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU)

As announced in our last bulletin, a tentative agreement has been reached between the BCGEU and the BC Energy Regulator. Your bargaining committee is pleased to share the attached Ratification Document for your review. Members are encouraged to attend an information session in BCER offices and virtually via Teams on Tuesday, April 4, 2023, starting at 1:30pm. Your Bargaining Committee will be o...

March 21, 2023

April 1, 2023 general wage increase for BCGEU public service members will be ...

Our current collective agreement – ratified in October 2022 – includes wage protections that adjust our year two general wage increase according to the impact of inflation in the previous 12 months. Today, the inflation figures for February 2023 were released: Based on the B.C. Consumer Price Index (CPI) 12 month av...

March 20, 2023

BC Energy Regulator Members - Ratification Meetings and Voting - BC General E...

We are pleased to advise that a tentative agreement has been reached between the BCGEU and the BC Energy Regulator. A copy of the Ratification Document is being prepared and will be sent to members on March 28th.An information session will be held at BCER offices and virtually via Teams on Tuesday, April 4th starting at 1:30pm to discuss and review the settlement agreement we have negotiation w...