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Component 8 includes members who provide health services in our communities.

They work in home support, drug and alcohol treatment centres, adult day care, detox and emergency shelters, women's clinics, services to seniors, mental health group homes, regional health units and other community-based health services.


June 19, 2024

Valley Home Support - Steward Nominations - BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU)

Nominations are now open for stewards at Valley Home Support - #203-31549 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford. If you are currently a steward, you do not need to be re-nominated. We are looking or three (3) stewards from Administration or Scheduling.  Nominations will close on Wednesday, July 3, 2024. Stewards are the primary representatives of members and have an important role within the Union.Some...

June 18, 2024

Local 803 - Raincity Biltmore House - Call for Shop Stewards - BC General Emp...

Nominations are now open for 2 (two) steward positions at your worksite and will close on Tuesday, July 2, 2024.  Stewards are the primary representatives of members and have an important role within the Union. Some of the roles of a steward are: Helping co-workers interpret and understand their collective agreement. Supporting co-workers in meetings with management. Listening to co-workers ab...

June 17, 2024

Vote postponed: defending our health benefits - BC General Employees' Union ...

If Pacific Blue Cross (PBC) is your health benefits provider, we have an important update regarding the PBC Directors Election we emailed you about last week. As of June 14, the 2024 PBC Directors Election has been postponed. The PBC Board made this decision in response to a discovery that the administration of the election and associated AGM was not fully in compliance with PBC Bylaws and the ...

June 17, 2024

Worker incentive funding in Community Health - BC General Employees' Union (...

The Ministry of Health is expanding funding initiatives aimed at tackling retention and recruitment issues, and delivering health care services to rural or remote communities, to now include workers in community health under the Community Bargaining Association agreement (CBA). This means eligible workers are entitled to receive incentive payments for the fiscal year April 1, 2024 to March 31, ...

June 12, 2024

As the CRD grasps at straws, striking workers hold the line for fair wages -...

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEJune 11, 2024As the CRD grasps at straws, striking workers hold the line for fair wages WILLIAMS LAKE (Traditional territory of the Williams Lake Band, home to the Secwepemc people) – It's week four of the Cariboo Regional District (CRD) strike, and instead of taking the necessary steps to end job action by amending its last wage offer and negotiating in good faith, the CRD...

June 10, 2024

Defending your Health Benefits - BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU)

Is Pacific Blue Cross (PBC) your health benefits provider? Our union has learned that Dr. Brian Day is running for a position on the PBC Board of Directors – the same physician who waged a 14-year legal fight challenging B.C.'s limits on private health care. He wanted to expand private health care to create a two-tiered system that would open the door to a US-style for-profit health industry in...

June 10, 2024

BCGEU issues statement on the CRD’s strong-arm tactics - BC General Employee...

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEJune 10, 2024BCGEU issues statement on the CRD's strong-arm tactics WILLIAMS LAKE – The union representing striking Cariboo Regional District (CRD) workers says that the Regional District's upper management has a responsibility to its staff and the entire community to adjust its last offer and bargain fairly for an improved contract that will serve the needs of all resident...

June 05, 2024

BCGEU supports students’ right to campus protest

The right to peaceful protest in public places like university and college campuses is legally enshrined in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Students, staff and faculty at Canadian universities are entitled to the peaceful expression of their opinions. Campuses across the province have a responsibility to protect the safety of protesting students, as well as their right to free spee...

June 05, 2024

BCGEU says the Regional District is prolonging the strike, hurting whole comm...

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEJune 5, 2024BCGEU says the Regional District is prolonging the strike, hurting whole community WILLIAMS LAKE - It's Day 18 of the Cariboo Regional District (CRD) strike, and the union representing picketing workers says the CRD's upper management is refusing to return to the table with a deal that's in-line with what workers or the community needs, which is putting vital se...

June 01, 2024

Our newly elected executive committee - BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU)

Our union's 52nd constitutional convention has just adjourned. Since the call to order on Wednesday evening, nearly 600 delegates representing every region and component debated and passed a wide range of resolutions, which will help shape the direction of our union for the next three years.Members also elected our union's new Executive Committee. We are pleased today to share that the followin...