Click here for info on Bargaining 2025


Component 3 includes members who work in community social services.

These caring professionals provide supports, services, and resources to vulnerable families and individuals across the province. They include supporting adults and children with developmental disabilities, women and children fleeing violence, youth-at-risk, child care, community justice services, Indigenous services, and employment services, among others. With over 15,000 workers in the sector, BCGEU is the largest community social services union in B.C.


December 05, 2023

Salvation Army Victoria - Warehouse: It’s time to nominate your Bargaining Co...

Your collective agreement will expire on March 31, 2024. It is that time again to elect a bargaining committee to negotiate your next collective agreement to improve your working conditions which includes issues such as wages, vacation, workload and more.A Call for Nominations is now open and will remain open for 30 days. Two (2) positions are available for the committee. Attached please find a...

December 05, 2023

Salvation Army Victoria - ARC: It's time to nominate your Bargaining Committe...

Your collective agreement will expire on March 31, 2024. It is that time again to elect a bargaining committee to negotiate your next collective agreement to improve your working conditions which includes issues such as wages, vacation, workload and more.A Call for Nominations is now open and will remain open for 30 days. Three (3) positions are available for the committee. Attached please find...

December 05, 2023

Inter-Cultural Association of Greater Victoria - Your New Shop Stewards - BC...

It is our pleasure to announce that the there are 2 new stewards at ICA Greater Victoria: Ramzi Ahmaid and Salma Ihsan. They join the existing stewards, Mona Zeid, Sika Patton and Esam Hasan.Stewards are representatives of our union at the worksite, and will help you and your coworkers solve problems at your workplace. They will receive ongoing training from the BCGEU to ensure they can advise ...

December 04, 2023

Independence Networking Services Inc. - - BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU)

We want to let you know that the Union is currently working with your Employer on the job classification process in order to determine the classification and wage grid for all positions at INS. We have received the job descriptions and proposed classifications from your Employer and the Union is currently working to review your feedback and discuss any outstanding issues with your Employer. We ...

December 01, 2023

Village Day Care Society - Call for Nominations for Bargaining Committee - BC...

The Union is now preparing for the upcoming round of collective bargaining. Your current collective agreement with the Employer expired on October 30, 2023. The current collective agreement is in full force and effect while we bargain a new collective agreement.In preparation for negotiations, a new bargaining committee must be elected to participate in the bargaining process. Nominations are n...

December 01, 2023

Vancouver Society of Children’s Centres - Bargaining Update #1: Negotiations ...

Your bargaining committee for VSOCC began negotiations with the employer on November 29th and continued for a second day on November 30, 2023. Our first scheduled day on November 28th was postponed due to staff illness. The parties exchanged their complete packages of non-monetary proposals and have reached agreement on 16 of them. Approximately 14 non-monetary proposals are outstanding. Near t...

November 30, 2023

Do You Want to Make your Workplace Safer? Inclusive Community Services Inc. m...

Are you a good problem solver? Do you care about the health and safety of you and your coworkers? We need you to step up and become an occupational health & safety (OHS) rep. No prior experience is necessary and training and support will be provided. One (1) OHS rep is needed at Inclusive Community Services.  Fill out this form here if you are interested in protecting the health and safety ...

November 24, 2023

Vancouver Aboriginal Health Society - Bargaining update - BC General Employee...

I am pleased to announce that Lakeshia Hanson-Ford was the successful candidate for the Indigenous bargaining committee member on the Union bargaining committee. I wish to thank Jamie Dexel and Lorinda Seto for their on-going support and valuable input and perspectives as we continue through the bargaining process. The Union bargaining committee is comprised of: Yasna Baeza Cecilia Bravo Rocky...

November 22, 2023

All BCGEU Members at Victoria Cool Aid Society - Changes Announced to Schedul...

At Tuesday's Labour Management (LMC) Committee meeting, we heard from Cool-Aid that they have decided to remove the Union Representatives from Scheduling Inquiry. This means that there is no longer any Union involvement. After nearly five years of collaboration, this was a surprising development and a disheartening move from our Employer. Scheduling Inquiry was a good faith collaboration betwee...

November 20, 2023

We Want to See More Trans Elders - BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU)

BCGEU Secretary-Treasurer Paul Finch Issues Statement on Transgender Day of Remembrance This past year we've seen a disturbing rise in hate-driven attacks on the transgender community. The BCGEU's solidarity with transgender, gender-diverse workers, and all 2SLGBQTI+ community members is necessary and urgent-it's a lifeline, it's central to our values, and it's important to the wellbeing of our...

November 16, 2023

It’s time to nominate your Stewards at Thrive Social Services Society - BC Ge...

Nominations are open for one (1) shop steward in Local 301 at Thrive Social Services Society to replace Heather Yu. We thank Heather for her service! Your current Shop Stewards are Megan Blackburn, Iona Hess, and Mary Martinez. The deadline for submission of nominations (form attached) is:Thursday, December 7, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. Nomination forms may be submitted by fax to Attn: Kathleen Mann...

November 15, 2023

Local 301 Members - Call for Nominations – Local 301 Member-at-Large Position...

Interim nominations are now open for two (2) Member-at-Large positions on the Local 301 Executive. The term of your Local Executive is normally three years and the next election is scheduled for 2025. However, we currently have two vacancies due to the resignations of Margaret Portillo and Mikala Kristensen. We would like to thank them for their service.  The deadline for submission of nominati...

November 14, 2023

RBC & BMO shareholders herald racial equity audit commitments - BC General Em...

Chartered banks are fourth and fifth to commit to independent assessment after successful shareholder engagement  BURNABY, B.C. | Nov. 14, 2023 – In back-to-back announcements, Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) and Bank of Montreal (BMO) announced commitments to conduct independent racial equity audits, making them the fourth and fifth Canadian chartered banks to do so. These announcements come after ...

November 07, 2023

The Cridge Centre for Family - It’s time to nominate Stewards - BC General Em...

Nominations are now open for two (2) shop steward in Local 301 at The Cridge worksites. The current shop stewards are Jennifer Hunter and Connie Woolner.The deadline for submission of nominations (form attached) is:   Tuesday, November 28, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. Nomination forms may be submitted by fax to Attn: Kathleen Mann at 250-384-8060 or by emailed to [email protected] stewards are...

November 03, 2023

Results of Steward Elections for Victoria Cool Aid Society members - BC Gener...

Voting for 2 new stewards at Victoria Cool Aid Society closed at 4 p.m. November 2, 2023.   Rhett Palas and Rebecca McEwan will fill the 2 new steward positions. Please join us in welcoming these members in their new role as worksite steward. They join the current shop stewards Kate Banky, Matthew Busby O’Connor, Brian Calderwood, Luis DeSousa, Jaime Eaglestick, Lucas Hayes, Peter Janz and Keno...

November 02, 2023

U-Hill Kinderclub- Bargaining Update - BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU)

Your Bargaining Committee and Union Staff Representatives met on November 1, 2023 to discuss bargaining proposals. We are now working on putting together a bargaining proposal package and will keep you updated regularly via your personal email address. If you or another colleague don't receive our updates, please contact the Lower Mainland Area Office at 604-215-1499.In solidarity,Jason Singh –...